Journey of Quilting
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Fifi's visit to the farm...
Charity {updated}
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> Yes, I did...
> New Pattern + Kits
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> Ready... Set... Go! Baby {giveaway}
> FMF... OOP... HTF...
> Let me count the ways...
> Go! Baby
> Odds & Ends
The project of the highest tower in the world is promulgated
Redevelopment of the Car Factory In Porte d'Ivry [France, Paris]
Fawcett House design-interior
Shenzhen, Quantung, Cina: Oct Shenzhen Clubhouse by Richard Meier
Ferrol, Provincia della Coruña, Spagna: Uptown Cleveland by Stanley Saitowitz
The Typography
Queensland, Australia: Abedian School of Architecture by Crab Studio
Bubbling brook/ tropical birds/ ocean/ buzz | Art
The Architecture of the National Traditions
Raleigh, Carolina del Nord, Stati Uniti: North Carolina Museum of Art by Thomas Phifer And Partners
28500 Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spagna: Satellite Control Center by Herreros Arquitectos