I don't normally post my cakes and food I create, but this one I couldn't resist to share with you all... with a touch of whimsy!

*a short story I wrote to go along with these pictures... in brown italic*
She has lived through the bitter winter before, but this year, the temperatures were much colder, after a heavy snowfall, ice showered the countryside... it was one of the most unpleasant winters she could remember... and even though it was Christmas, there was no sign or even a whisper of His blessed name...

she was determined to tend to those who needed her most, for they had no one... no wood for their stoves... no food for their bellies... and she knew, if she didn't help them... that no one else would...

Of course, leaving your home, to visit others, was forbidden in this gloomy and bemired land...
The evil ruler did not want anyone in his path to one day overpower all of humanity, even the smallest of children, and thus, sent a decree throughout the land "keep to yourself, and help no one, you must do what I say, or death"... Balmala rules cruelly over the land... without mercy... without regard to others... the most selfish person to have lived thus far... and Balmala especially has no mercy upon those who call themselves "believers"...

putting all fear aside, and bundled in her woolen cape, Elisabeth did what she was taught by her dear Grammy... she sometimes can still hear Grammy's words on such a cold, still day such as this; "do His will, no matter what the obstacles, and always give glory to the Father, and the Son, and to the... " "what was that?" Elisabeth was startled by a scraping sort of noise, and then the earth below her shook...

sometimes, after such a thing would happen, Elisabeth would feel, as though someone much bigger than her was watching her every move... not always an uncomfortable feeling, but rather, like a warm whisper within the trees...

and felt eyes were upon her back... but she wasted no time... she had one last stop... or as she thought.
Elisabeth was almost there... to a home no one has ever lived in...

and legend says, that the only way out, is through the basement... for if one traveled around back, they would surely peril from the cliffs below... but knowing this, and with strength from all the faithfully departed surrounding her heart, Elisabeth was guided forward, to hopefully... finally... find what she has been searching for, for the last 17 years...
*end of story... thank you for reading*

I made this very special cake, for a very special niece, who is celebrating the day of her birth, and who has sadly moved to another state, far away from the farm... she and her 7 siblings...
a few days ago, was the last time we all were together as a family before they moved...
I was asked to be the 'cake baker'... and so off to work I went, trying to make it as special as both the girl, and the life-changing events that are taking place for her, for me, for our family...
*she is a writer, deep thinker, nature lover, strong, intelligent, but most of all faithful girl*

it was my total pleasure to do this for her

As tears well in my eyes looking at this picture, I know her qualities, which her AWESOME mother and father taught her, will carry her through many new adventures, and I can't wait to read one of her novels in the very near future...
with all my love dear niece,