Journey of Quilting

Charity {updated}

Margaret's Hope Chest is using this tutorial! In browsing through some blogs that linked to my blog this morning, I stumbled across a post that really left me disheartened and asking the simple question of really? Typically, I enjoy finding new blogs this way but this was not one of those times.

Quilters are some of the most generous and caring people I know. We make quilts that provide physical and emotional warmth for the recipient of that quilt. Most often we know who we are making the quilt for but there are also amazing charity quilting groups who give quilts to complete strangers.

But when did we become picky and selective about someone who wants to help make a quilt for someone less fortunate? I am all for making a quilt that is both practical and beautiful but does someone in need care about a quilter's style? I doubt it.

What would happen if quilters and other artists stopped donating to charities for fear of their work being judged as not being good enough? Charities already struggle enough as it is...

I love designer fabric, pretty points, matching seams, modern design, and flawless quilting just as much as the next quilter. But what I don't love is exclusivity and outright rejection because of someone's style or skill. There shouldn't be a "in" crowd of quilters because that's just jr. high. For me, quilting is about the art and the time invested doing something that I love... and if it helps someone else, that's even better. :)

Is it a group's right to exclude? Sure. But we are all different with different strengths and weaknesses and when it comes to helping someone in need, {to me} that is the last place with room for such behavior.

I debated writing this for about half a second but I think that "we" all need the occasional reminder about what is important, that quilting is not a competition, and that style is nothing more than personal preference. In writing this post perhaps I am turning in my designer fabric card but oh well. I would rather do that, be real, and continue to quilt without obligation.

Edited to add: after receiving several emails from some who applied to this group because of my encouragement and were then declined because of their style, etc; I wanted to apologize to anyone else who may have had the same experience. Margaret's Hope Chest is a wonderful quilting charity and they just started a bee open to anyone who wishes to volunteer! I am no longer a member of the exclusive "charity" group and I will be focusing my charity quilting efforts with Margaret's Hope Chest.