over the weekend, we opened up our shop farm life and
we have been busy ever since filling orders!!
sometimes life sweeps into your life like a tidel wave — or since it's so cold, like a giant snowball
without warning
I was on the phone with a very supportive friend today, and for the first time, I unloaded on her
she didn't know what hit her I think
like a giant snowball that builds momentum I talked and talked
needless to say, I had phone remorse
do you ever get off the phone with someone and say "oh good gravy that was not what I should have said"
well, that happened to me today
amongst the simmering soup I was preparing and sending out our new e-book, the snowball hit me
making sure the soup was okay, and the baby was happy with his older sister, I came over here to convey to you thought 4...
(all Advent I have been sharing thoughts)
thought 4... charity in a small world I heard this from a young woman at church on Sunday it is the sort of thing that keeps in your mind throughout the day
wanting for this snowball to melt, it took a moment to make me remember that I need not worry about what happens that charity means startring at home — giving time to take notice and comment on your four year old dressed up with his red cape on and holding a wooden sword that his older brother made by hand for his fourth birthday from Papa's wood carving set. Knowing that instead of going hungry we have a 1/4 of a steer coming to the farm and that even though the car broke down on the way to town with everyone in the car, what a blessing to have met that the couple who helped us get back home, since we were "all pioneer" and didn't bring our cell phones, and ironically enuogh, the woman has a brother in the same town that Jason and I used to live in and said brother and Jason knew eachother from being on the fire department in that small town.
small world
that everything you do comes back around to you this is a worldwide belief — whatever you may call it, "doing unto others as they would do unto you" is pretty solid teaching — regardless of faith
keeping it simple, the snowball has melted from the fire of love I have for life, and the wonderful support you all have shown us in our new shop...
Jen's party (go HERE to see some amazing homes decorating!!) is just what I needed to be a part of...
if you scroll down to the previous posts here on my blog, you can see how we are decorating...
it's a minimal approach to the season... care into what is being put out... clean/simple/natural/farmstyle

boquet was a gift from sponsor — Maple Valley Off-grid Farm
it's not much, but here's a little something for all of you, that should go really well with the recipes in the e-book
I made it myself with a bunch of snowflakes I got from the graphics fairy... thanks graphics fairy!!
(click on image to get a bigger picture + right click + copy + save)

that little four year old is cute as a button right now with his new sword, and was very tempted to want to cut his cake with it!! maybe his Papa will hand carve a serving piece for cake soon eh?

and yes, those are mini marshmallows on top... it's a quick and easy way to decorate a little four year old's birthday cake!!
all the love and support for our new products in the shop has been amazing
thank you so much!! we appreciate that more than you know
our new e-book is only $2.99
click on image to go take a peek at what's it is all about:

there is so much we are adding into the shop everyday — especially these spoons that my husband Jason has been creating from hand 100% hand carved!! I love them!!

there are also some sweet life products in the shop (hand embroidered sweet towels and aprons) sorry but we are not shipping internationally at this time
MERRY CHRISTMAS! peace + blessings,