the more and more time I spend on this farm, the more I realize how we become who we are by simply just working with what we have, and listening to our surroundings... opening our eyes

that is the great thing about life
it is constantly changing... with new ideas... and right now, with advent season upon me and the farm, a new perspective on quite a few things have entered into my life here
and yes, even in my farm kitchen...

this cabinet was in my craft room... it's a small nook off the living room which I use to sew and create in
but when Fifi was here, she made a comment that this white hutch, was out of place... that it didn't fit into the rest of the house except for the kitchen (where we have white cabinets)

I didn't get upset... not in the slightest!... but it got me thinking on that ever since she brought it to my attention
I just thought it looked good where it was... but who am I? certainly no decorator!!
so this past week, I moved that hutch into the kitchen, where the chippy paint/jelly cupboard was...

make sure you stop and smell the roses wherever you are... these are still from my birthday!
within the hutch, I tucked a few treasures...

a few ornaments here and there...

it brightened up this space even more... in all areas of the kitchen

sometimes friends and family make fun of me moving furniture around like this, but call me silly, but doing so, changes the physical and mental atmosphere here... decorating therapy so to speak possibly
*************** i know my little "Christmas Cowboy" is in this photo... he had a birthday this past week... and he looooves being a cowboy (i love it too)

have a wonderful weekend!