Grab a tissue and be ready to be amazed. Not at the quilt but at the amazing woman this quilt is going to.
I have known Judy for years. We went to Jr high and high school together, we were in our church youth group together, we were in the same Bible study together and then probably most memorably, we played basketball together all through Jr high and high school. Judy was our point guard and I was the shooting guard. :) Believe me when I say this, Judy could {and probably still can} shoot lights out.
We grew up and went our different ways while our mothers have remained close friends. When I heard Judy was pregnant with her son, I was thrilled for her. And then my mother called one morning and told me that there had been an accident involving Judy's husband, Keith. Here is the link to their story and Judy's online journal of what she went through. Take some time and read it; if you ever thought that supernatural faith didn't exist you will see it in her writings. And unconditional love? I don't think I have ever seen a more pure example than Judy's love for Keith.
Judy has an adorably handsome son, Brooks who was born in the midst of all of this. Given my own background of being pregnant alone, from the moment I heard about the accident those old, familiar feelings began to resonate within me. Now, our situations were completely different and I can't feel or speak for Judy but I can relate on some level to a good and happy world full of plans for the future being turned upside down while you have no say in what happens.
When I heard of Keith's accident, I distinctly remember thinking "babies are so good... they are so healing... I'm so glad Judy is going to have Brooks". Babies are good, healing and they need their moms; I know this because of my own daughter Chaney. She was born in the midst of pain but in many ways because of her smile, her laughs, her kisses, she saved me. I lived because she needed me. I lived and thrived and now in tiny ways, I can hopefully give back even if it is in the form of a quilt.
As a single mom it often felt like it was Chaney and me versus the world. Of course that's not entirely true but single motherhood is no joke and there are times it does feel pretty overwhelming. But the best parts of my days in those early months were the times I nursed Chaney to sleep and then held her while she slept. I'm not much of a singer but I would rock her and whisper "I've got you and we're gonna make it".
I know nothing about Judy's deepest thoughts and feelings about being a single mom but as I was stitching the blocks together and then quilting the quilt I couldn't stop thinking about the relationship between a single mom and her child. It's different and it's a special bond. In it's simplest form, it's You + Me. And then you mix in the faith that Judy and I share and You + Me takes on a even deeper meaning. But how ever you figure it, Judy and Brooks are going to be OK because of Judy's strength, her faith, her love, and her trust in God.
As I have shared in the past, Chaney and I are OK because of the very same reasons. Were there scary and anxious moments? Definitely. If I had been a quilter back then I would have made a You + Me quilt that I would have wrapped around us until those moments passed. I know this quilt won't cure every fearful moment that Judy might have but I do have a small hope that it will make things even just a little bit better.
Thank you to my fellow do. Good. Stitches bee members for making the blocks and helping me make this quilt for an unbelievably deserving mother and son. I truly hope this quilt will be used, cherished, and loved for years to come. May it bring comfort and warmth and then joy later on when Judy and Brooks are able to look back and see that they did, in fact, make it.
And one additional note, the friend that Judy blogs with is also a widow. She also happens to be my neighbor. I can hardly call that a coincidence. I'm working on a quilt for her and her girls as well but in the meantime when you have a moment, say a prayer for both of these incredibly strong moms and their children...
PS: Yes, this is the quilt that I quilted my sleeve to... ;)