Journey of Quilting

Quick Decorating

I don't plan my decorating, unless it's for a big party, but I'm more of the 'quick decorating' types... and in my dining room, where the glorious South Sun lightens every corner, some very quick and fragrant decorating was accomplished...

I recently moved my buffet in the dining room to another wall — to open it up for the leaves of the table to expand generously — for both expected, and unexpected dinner guests...
In anticipation of the coming Advent, and Thanksgiving season, I'm not putting up turkeys and pilgrims, but rather, natural elements such as dried grasses and fresh sage... which doesn't mean the office isn't clad with 'hand turkeys' and feather projects...
I had a mirror in the barn... that didn't have a frame... but I had these shutters that I simply placed in front... a perfect fit width and height wise! To make the ever so simple garland on the mirrored shutter: I took some very thin hemp twine, and tied a few fresh sage branches from it

More fresh sage was nestled around an angel (which I just took in from the garden)

and in wooden bowls...

both on the buffet and on the table (both authentic Romanian dough bowls)

To add a little more of a Thanksgiving "touch" I've added dried bundles of grass from the gardens... simply hanging from the shutter closure with more hemp twine...

Here on the farm, HOPE is in the air, with an abundance of Thanksgiving joy...

All photographs were taken just this past weekend