living within the seasons doesn't require anyone to celebrate a made up holiday
surely you aren't surprised that we don't "celebrate" Halloween
yes... the pressure is there from family... friends... loved ones to include the children in activities that are in essence... fun

we'd rather gather together to celebrate all the people who gave their life for Someone... Something... more important than a bag full of candy... the day after is much more spiritually enhancing

it seems today's "holiday" has overshadowed the essence of this time of harvest + saints + souls
even though racing around a neighborhood and getting all six of your children in and out of the car to run up to beg for candy from strangers while inundating them with sights and sounds of the demonic may sound like fun to some... it doesn't to us...
dressing up and enjoying the seasons does... as does raising our children to always think of what He wants from us... what we can do for Him... to be strong... to be faithful
raising four boys, we do so in the spirit of this idea, being open to their ideas and activities they want to do on the farm with their friends
it is not uncommon to see at any given day an "army man" ducking down into his man-made foxhole (seriously... the oldest two boys dug a 3' deep x 12' foxhole in the back prairie)
recently the two oldest boys had a few friends over (as did our oldest daughter last year at this time) to play
be free
be boys

a surprise meal of "mush" and a slice of bread for the soldiers (the mush was browned sausage with a homemade white sauce) the meal was served from a cast iron pot and an old ladle that was used to plop it onto the tin plates

it was hilarious... when I came out of the house and rang the bell... they all came running as I yelled "chow time!!"
an order of "line up!" was issued as a plate and metal spoon was thrust into their chests
the dish was plopped on and one kid just stood there... so I said "move along soldier!!" he looked at our son and said "what is this? " I responded "slop!... now move along... "
the grin on my face told him I was not feeding him something rotten:)
that boy's brother then said... "I don't care what it is... I'm starving"
our kids... our boys are starving for their imaginations to be fed... they need the necessary food to help them grow in strength upon temptations... there is no denying that the world can influence your thinking and try to coerce you to do things you don't really want to do ("but everyone else is doing it")
grow together as a family... starts by praying together as a family... and listening to their hopes and dreams
whether you choose to celebrate this day or not: stay safe in both spirit and self
peace + blessings,