It's my month to plan the colors, block, and design for the Do. Good Stitches Charity Bee. I have chosen the cross block because it's fun, easy, and it looks good no matter how much variance or wonkiness there is from quilter to quilter. The colors are aqua/turquoise/yellow. When I wrote this tutorial I was originally planning on posting it in Flickr but I decided instead to share it here for all to see and use. :)
For a 12.5" block pick two contrasting colors.

1. Cut two strips that measure 11" x 5.5" {this will be your background fabric}
2. Cut two more strips. One will measure 11" x 3" {this will be the cross}; the other will measure 14" x 3"

3. With right sides together {RST} stitch one 11"x5.5" and the 11"x3" strip together lengthways. *Use a 1/4" seam allowance*
4. Press open.
5. With RST stitch the second 11"x5.5" strip lengthways to the other side of the 11"x3" strip.

6. Press open.

Now the fun part!
7. Take your ruler and place it across the block. You determine how straight or wonky of a cut you make.

8. Take your 14"x3" strip and with RST stitch it to one half of the block you just cut.
9. Press open.

10. Repeat with RST and stitch to other half of you block.

11. Press open and square your block to 12.5". {When squaring, you can add a little extra "wonk" by placing your ruler a little off center.}
*If you are in my bee and you are a little unsure about squaring your blocks don't worry about it, I'll do it for you! If you aren't in my bee, I can't square your blocks for you but feel free to ask questions... :)
PS: You can make two blocks at once if you are using fat quarters! Just double the lengths when you cut your strips {22" x 5.5" and 25" x 3}in steps 1 & 2. Sew your strips the same way as shown above {steps 3-5} and once you have your initial "block" put together, cut it in half and then continue on to step 7 with your two blocks.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad