Our oldest son could be deemed a WWII Historical Enthusiast
in his words it's "the generation that changed future generations" "crucial point in the modern era... the first time they used that type of technology"
"the 1920's + 1930's brought on a "modern society" with technological advances the atom bomb for one, and the German army introduced a new style of warfare with mechanized infantry and tanks providing support... a whole new type of warfare"
I aske him "why do you like studying this place in history?" his response: "because of Adolf Hitler in power, and his plans to suppress Christians, the Jewish people, gypsies, and basically anyone who was not of Aryan (German) descent"
though I may not like 'war' it's part of our history and part of our past
he is so good at his painting on these men, it is hard not to imagine them in battle... trying to win for their country and secure what they thought was important to fight over...
no one likes war... no one wants war... (well, maybe some do) but sometimes the oppression has to stop and you have to fight for what you believe in... what you need to protect... whether it's protecting God and His Church, or fighting for a man's beliefs that you thought were right... war happens... we are born with strength and resilience
we can definitely learn from the past though

this interest in history lead him to get into painting models in 1/35 scale (approximately 1" tall)
he doesn't paint under a magnifying glass, but uses tiny little brushes and puts all the details he can into the models

they are now displayed in his 'new room' which I will share with you all soon