As you all know, I own/operate a *small* CSA. We raise our vegetables and fruit organically. We are actually Certified Naturally Grown. I encompass this "motto" of natural into our home, for our animals, the choices of clothes we purchase... you get the idea.

Lately, in my Portfolio of Passions, items that encompass natural things seems to be overpowering anything else... I see a trend on the horizon of not so much "scrap"... I don't mean scrap booking, or clutter, I mean a fresh and clean approach to both how you live and who you are.

Let me explain further: I recently had a scare, that I had cancer. That small surgery I mentioned before was the removal of a growth that the doctor had said was a "10% chance" it was cancer.

Scary? TO SAY THE LEAST!! Loving husband... five kids... short life... all these things were in my head scattered amongst the flu that I contracted from who knows where... I couldn't eat for 5 days due to the surgery (doctor's orders) and then the stomach flu... needless to say... a rough month I've been having.
Starvation opens your eyes to not only your diet, but your soul. You think clearly, you don't have as many distractions...

It's all in your perspective.
Sure I could have ached, moaned, lied around (did do a lot of that though), but I have written more poetry and prayers than I have in quite some time, and the ideas for Farm have been pouring out faster than I can say rice and applesauce! (that's pretty much all I ate for 2 weeks)
NATURALLY... I came upon this fantastic idea, which is the big *SURPRISE* happening in just a few days. Wanting to share a part of Farm with all of you fantastically creative and inspiring people, and helping others to live naturally is my goal.
This lifestyle is not a new thing for me...
The degree I was seeking in college was Environmental Science... all the while being a Manager of a Fitness Center, personal trainer, kickboxing instructor, etc... but who I am really stems back to the gardens and well — LIFE — that I lived as a child... so this natural lifestyle has made me who I am now...
Naturally living is not a fad, not a diet... it's simply a choice;
You don't have to wake up in the morning, use your all natural makeup, wear your handmade hemp clothing, drink and eat locally grown organic food, drive your "eco-car", and make sure your cows don't have 'gas'... (that one cracks me up)...
Do what you are comfortable with... and what is most important... The health of you and your children... Besides; you simply cannot do it all... don't be pressured by anyone or any fad... just do the best you can!
Have a Blessed Day!!