He's now 2... but still big enough for my arms...
what used to be our nook, was this year made into the "joy" room...
I draped white curtains, and put the tree up high enough from little babe's curious little hands to not reach the glass ornaments... I covered the table with my great-grandmother's white matelassé blanket... (which was great for storing the Christmas totes)... the children all drew names for each other (like every year) and they each hand wrapped their gifts and set them on the table — again, so great for little ones not touching them -
Today, we are slowly taking things down... tomorrow is the last day of Christmas — (obviously I have given up on finding 10 lords a leaping and such...)
the Epiphany... and I too am finding out new things about myself this year all because of The Babe, and bring Him gifts... now that is something I don't want to stop now, but continue to do all 2010... give gifts of myself...
such as sewing... for Him...