I have so much to write about and show but I have no new pictures! It's raining here which is a rarity in the summer. We need it but how's a girl supposed to take good pictures of her quilts?? *sigh*
I've been giving a lot more thought to my scrap ideas as I have been quilting my Old + New quilt. Thank you all for your awesome ideas and sweet comments; I promise I'll be responding to each one of you!
I'm thinking that a Flickr group, in conjunction with this blog, is the way to go to organize this. I love the idea of swapping scraps for yardage and vice versa because that's just fun. I also want to have a charitable component to this as well. I am working on identifying some charity quilting groups but that's going to take a bit of work. So, in the meantime, I want to give some of my scraps away to deserving individual quilters. :)
I'm going to group the scraps according to my previous quilts so that you are able to get an idea of the colors you will be working with. This is going to be a hand selected giveaway {not random} and a lot of the selection will be based on your story, why you want the scraps, what you will do with them, and a friendly promise to either post in the Flickr group or email me a picture of your completed project. I will also take nominations so if you are a reader and know someone, feel free to enter on their behalf. And BTW, your project doesn't have to be for yourself; it could be something you are going to make for a deserving person in your own life.
So here goes...

Up first are the scraps from my two Heather Ross quilts. Blue... brown... orange... rust... and of course mermaids

Next, are the scraps from my On the Road to Spring quilt! Yes, Hope Valley scraps and lots of them!

And lastly, scraps from my Wonky Nine Patch quilt and my I Do Too quilt. Guitars... zoo animals... lava lamps... the perfect scraps for a boy or a really cool guy!
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me which scraps you would like, your story, why you want the scraps and what you will do with them. And again, you may nominate someone as well.
I will close the entries on Monday, July 5th @ midnight CST and I will announce the happy recipients on Tuesday, July 6th. Have fun and good luck!
PS: International entries are gladly welcome!