My favorite Moleskine journal...
Repeat after me: "It's not a competition... it's not a competition"
It's not about the number of quilts you make. It's not about the number of sales you get in your online shop. It's not about the sponsors you have or don't have on your blog. It's not about the number of contacts you have on Flickr. Are these things fun and/or important? Sure. Are they the top reason for me to quilt and blog? I hope not because that sounds a lot like obligation to me...
I'm a competitive person. It's in my genes, my blood, and my brain. I competed athletically until my body pretty much refused to do it anymore {1 knee surgery, 2 shoulder surgeries, 1 reconstructive foot surgery}. *That Girl waves the white flag* But I'm hardwired for competition and now I watch our 6 year old daughter wrinkle up her nose in that same competitive face. Those who know me in person know that look and have probably been on the receiving end of it a time or two. ;)
So what's different when it comes to quilting? Everything. I was telling my husband the other day how non-competitive I feel when it comes to quilting and how odd it feels. Odd in a good way though when I'm able to walk away from a blog or a real life person because I refuse to compete with them over something I love.
No competition. It's remarkably freeing to have that lack of obligation!
Quilting is for me. It's about my process, my ideas and having a finished quilt that I am proud to give or thrilled to keep as an addition to our home. What the quilter next to me does is of no consequence to me be it in blogland or down the road from me in real life. I want to make quilts that are unique to me and show my personality and passion when you look at one. I also want to surround myself with quilters and other creative types who feel the same way.
I'm good knowing that I have strengths that other quilters may not have and surprisingly enough, I'm content knowing that I also have weaknesses that other quilters do not have. The combination of these strengths and weaknesses make my art uniquely "me". And they certainly do not make me a greater or lessor competitor because that is not what quilting is about...
If I had to point to a weakness in my quilting I would say it's piecing. I'm completely self-taught so this is something I'm still figuring out. Lining up seams, especially when I'm sewing rows together to complete the quilt top, is not something I'm great at. But now for the fun part... if I had to pick a strength, I'd say that I'm strong in my color/fabric selections. I think I have a pretty good eye for color. Of course that's my opinion... you may be reading this and wondering if I'm color blind. ;)
So, what are your strengths and weaknesses that make you the fabulous and unique quilter you are?
Go ahead... it's ok to brag here. And don't beat yourself up either!