Journey of Quilting

Make a Grab Button {tutorial}

First, thanks for all your kind words, comments and emails about my spider bite! I did go back to the doctor yesterday {I'll spare you the gory details} and I'm feeling much better today.
I get a lot of questions about the technology of blogging and blogs so I thought I would do a short tutorial on a few of those questions. Now, I'm not a tech person so if something doesn't make sense please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify!

How do you make a button for your blog for people to "grab"?

This one is done in three fairly simple steps.

{Step 1} Make a button and host the image. I use Flickr to make a button that measures 175x175. Once you have the button made, save it on your computer. Next go to and save the image there. Photobucket automatically generates HTML code and a few other handy codes. :)

{Step 2} Go to this site and follow the instructions to generate the code to make your blog button. The code that is created will be copied and pasted in the next step. {When this site asks for your image link, make sure you copy and paste the "Direct Link" code from Photobucket}

{Step 3} *These instructions are for Blogger* Login like you usually do.

At the top of your blog click the "design" link.

Scroll down and choose which side on your blog you want the button to be. Click "add a gadget".

A new window will pop up and you will scroll down until you see "HTML/JavaScript" which you will click.

Remember the code from {step 2}? Copy it and paste it into the pop up window.

Add a title if you want and then click "save".

You will be back to your design page and there you can move your new button gadget around on your page it you would like. If you do, make sure to save the page again before going back to your blog.

Congrats! You now have a button for people to grab and place on their blog!

How do you grab someone's button to put on your own blog?

Copy the code from the box under that person's blog button and follow {Step 3}.

Let me know if you have any questions! Hopefully I will be back to sewing sometime this week and I'll have more to show ya'll than just words... ;)