Journey of Quilting

The post about the "lasers"

Am I the only who is running in a hamster ball? Not a hamster wheel because that would mean that I'm going no where. But yes, a hamster ball because I run everywhere but never without getting tossed around because I'm always going too fast and running into things. Like giant green trash cans.

This post has nothing to do with quilting while having everything to do with quilting too. Confused? Me too.

Here was my Wednesday morning {all before 8 am}:

... get up... work out... take a shower... feed the dogs... keep Chaney on track so she won't wear a nightgown and jeans to school {she's really tried this}... make breakfast... pack lunches... explain again to Chaney why she can't take an entire bag of microwave popcorn for a snack... get in the car... back out of the garage... rip the side mirror off my car... stop to freak out... continue backing down the driveway... stop and run back in the house to get Chaney's violin that I asked her to get 3 times... sit in the carpool line... drive back home... call Steve and yell at him... dry & straighten my hair... apologize to Steve... get ready for work... wrestle the dogs into their crates... run my pantyhose in the process... change pantyhose... run late... drive to work with glass falling off my mirror with every bump... sit down at my desk sweating and try to start my day... school nurse calls, Chaney has no fever but is "sweaty and dizzy". Me too... go back to class, kiddo.

Oh, and the garage door wouldn't close because I knocked the trash can into the sensor. Steve's answer: re-align the sensor so the lasers match up. What? I don't know how to make lasers match. I didn't even know we had lasers in our garage.

All I'm picturing is throwing baby powder in the air to reveal the laser but I know that doesn't work because I saw that Myth Busters episode.

He's at work and I can't even leave because I'm contemplating the properties of baby powder and lasers.

WTF!... which stands for what the fun, of course.

Back to the quilting part of the post. All I want to do is sew at some point this week. However, I'm so tired and frazzled that I would probably sew myself to a quilt again. Except this time I probably wouldn't mind because people would expect far less of me with a sewing machine attached to my sleeve.

I'm choosing humor because it's messy to cry. Sorry but no perfect pretty pictures today because well, it just hasn't been one of those perfect & pretty days! I do have a nice post over here all about color though...

Like I said, WTF. Please tell me I'm not the only one.