Come join me as we take a turn around the farm...

The windows might look like it's from within a Christmas song (frosted window panes... ) BUT

outside, and here on "the frozen tundra", as we like to call it, there are 40MPH winds — white outs -no black outs (thank God... because that would = no baked goods/breads/etc)...

*above picture are eclairs I made for an over-the-top awesome person*
So... what do you do? with all this blustery snow?...

make a snow fence of course! made out of 3' in diameter snow balls!
(it beats that ugly orange snow fencing!)
not me... I'm busy in the kitchen... preparing their arrival...

with homemade hot cocoa; real cocoa, sugar, vanilla... marshmallows...
and lots of candles lit... I wait... and wait... and sip some... and sip some more... and simply light up inside with not only the warmth of the hot cocoa, but their beloved smiles and their "thank you Mama!!"
man... do I LOVE this season!! don't you??