... hello 2012!
I have tried and tried to write a list of goals for the new year but that list just isn't forming. So instead of a list, it feels more right to reflect and give 2011 a proper send-off. Here goes...
If you have read much here this past year, you probably know that it's been a challenging one for me. I can't say that 2011 has been my favorite year but at the same time I'm grateful for the things I've learned.
I never, ever planned on writing about depression here but when it happened this blog became about so much more than just quilting because well, there's more to life than quilting.
People struggle no matter who they are, how big their fabric stash is, or how many quilts they complete. I'm not ashamed to admit that either... but that's not always been the case so for that loss of shame, I am grateful.
When I started blogging I knew I wanted to be a real person and not just a blog of perfect seams and pretty quilts. Has that always been easy? Not really. But when I started spiraling downward, it felt completely normal to write about it instead of painting a fake and happy picture.
Writing here kept me going because I had an outlet to be myself. But then the unexpected support from ya'll was amazing and I suddenly did not feel so alone anymore. For all of you, I am grateful.
But what about the quilts? My goal has always been to finish one quilt a month. That didn't happen this year. My perfectionist, goal-oriented self is slightly disappointed but ultimately I'm OK with it because there's more to me than a finished quilt.
Steve and Chaney are happy and healthy. I am happy and healthy. We have a home. We love each other. We encourage each other. And we laugh a lot too. For all these things, I am grateful.
So here's to a new year that is probably full of challenges but also full of possibilities. Happy New Year!