Journey of Quilting

jennifer rizzo... handmade

It's open! Jenn's shop! it's super exciting for anyone who likes one of a kind, unique handmade artistic items!!

that IS NOT made in China...
this autumn/winter line is the 'found and made' by her

this girl has talent... the real deal... I highly recommend purchasing her items quickly... for they certainly will not last long...
did you know that Jenn is a dealer at the Farm Sales? The dealers are by INVITATION only... hand selected by me and my husband... and guess what... the dealers for inside the barn for May of 2011 are already filled!! but I am so pleased to announce that outdoor dealers are going to be at the May event!!!

the response is overwhelming actually... and please know if you have already submitted your pictures and application to become a dealer outside, it may take a bit for me to go through all of the submittals... i hope you understand...
At the moment we have some VERY exciting news to pronounce later this week about the May event... but enough about my farm sales... have fun shopping at JENNIFER RIZZO'S!!
