Throughout Advent, I will be sharing some deep thinking and soul searching... keeping in mind that Advent is really a "little lent" — a time for me to get ready to celebrate... to better understand myself and the direction I am consciously choosing to go...
thought 1: soul
Within all of us are souls... spirits...
which have encompassed our bodies since the moment our parents joined in an act of love...
Our bodies are from the Earth... out of one of the most organic substances, for which all things grow:
the soil...
We think, feel and will with our souls — our bodies are just the animation of this
our souls are not composite
if there is a life after death, then surely the cause of our animation has an existence all it's own
even the most common uses of ourselves with our imaginations and memory abstract us from our bodily existence
this fact alone suggests an existence of something else... but enclosed with it, yet free from it — independently
this means that the centre to all our interests and desires are in our spiritual side of our nature... that our salvation from this world (or loss of it) is the biggest issue of our pure existence
when we let go of our current responsibilities/pressures/etc that surround this holiday season, we can then better let our spirit... our soul... guide our hands/feet/minds/heart
it is not complicated... rather it is clear... letting our soul work through us
peaceful advent blessings,