my good friend Tracey has gotten me hooked on Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine...

the most recent being one of my favorites
the autumn/winter edition
our front room is in a constant state of redecorating...
the family has enjoyed adding seashells, little wren's birds nest, feathers and other found objects, to create our 'museum room'

it's where we read on different birds... trees... fungi and other bits of nature

some of us like to cuddle on the "sheepie"
and after seeing the photographs and inspiration from the new Jd'arc magazine, the room received a bit of redecorating...
we brought in a table that my husband custom made out of salvaged barn wood from our beloved barn that burned down...

I can see us playing many games here... entertaining friends... spreading school and researching books upon this table...

there was quite a bare spot, so I put an old shutter, a favorite painting of the Christ child, and a little lamp to cozy the spot...

it is also our music room
piano, guitar, flute, tin whistle, bodhram (and Irish drum), and little children's voices fill this room to capacity on any given day...

there is always a place for mama to listen and play her guitar...
the piano provides the only surface for display, and some of my husband's collection of skulls have found a home here... like specimens...

a favorite oil painting was also brought into the space for autumn... I hope you enjoyed my front room/museum room... a few good friends are coming over for dinner soon, and I am planning on using this room at sunset for cocktails... and I will share those photos after... in the meantime, Tracey has a wonderful cocktail/bar area she styled... take a look at my blog

Enjoy your home... and sometimes it just takes a few found objects of nature and some comfy pillows... make it your home...