Journey of Quilting

going back...

I'm taking you back in time...

the above picture I took of my son's 9th birthday, in our old barn, (that I'm sure you know by now burned a few years after I took this picture... so this one is special)

and with the barn sale coming up, well, how can I NOT remember our old barn...

this is how it looked on a bright fall day, such as yesterday was...

and I still catch myself sometimes looking back at the where the barn was, and take a deep *sigh*
and think...
of how "things were"
how the parties and gatherings with friends and family "were"

(you can see our rebuilt section of the barn... it was once our "summer house"... and that's my daughter bending her back in a way it shouldn't be bending... with the pink skirt on:)

the above pictures are of the inside of the barn... where we used to dance and have the parties

it just made the photographs... no matter who was in front of my camera...

it also conjures up this zeal inside me to create something unique on our farm still
because I still have my family...and a few more to add to the above photo!!
and I still have the gardens, even more than when we had the barn...
we just keep adding more to the farm...
even though I miss it in the backgrounds of my potager photographs...

the great old barn won't be here when you come to visit... but that feeling of "Farm" is still here, and my life is ever changing...
just as the grounds and buildings are always changing too
~life is full of change, and it's up to us to embrace it~

i hope you don't mind how we 'glanced back' in time...
The great new magazine: Belle Inspiration is out Wednesday!! Mimi wanted to add my sale as a feature, and I'm thrilled she did!
look for it online today: here