Journey of Quilting

prairie walk...

I thought I would take a walk with you in the prairie today...

Before it sleeps under the covering snow (yes... I said the word snow — yikes!)...


It's a place for picnics and parties...

... imagination... and inspiration

A comfort of solitude and wild abandonment (which I am in awe of)...


Being 3 acres and a relatively 'new' project for this land (it takes a long time for a prairie to re-develop to a natural area)...

it's very hard to capture the feeling it evokes within me while I walk our grassy paths and pluck a sweet clover and admire the butterflies... and bees...

but try really hard to imagine yourself with me... okay?...

~you can just barely see our home in that photo~

and if these pictures aren't enough for you, then you can watch the video I threw together the other day... please forgive the horrid camera woman... ;) *mute JJ if you want to hear the birds*