Journey of Quilting

the games...

Here's some games that suit a wide range of kids for a fun summer day...

THE SUITCASE GAME... — we used baskets — variety of grandpa's clothes (hat, tie, t-shirt, button shirt, socks, boots) — divide kids in two teams — half of the team on each end of the "playing field" — kids have to dress into everything (don't have to button or tie the tie) and then run to the other side where their team mates are waiting... they undress... put it back into the basket... their team mate dresses... runs to the other side... etc etc... the firs team to finish first wins!!

the suitcase winners:)

THE EGG AND SPOON RACE... — it's supposed to be an egg on the spoon, but we thought otherwise:) — divide children in half, put ping pong ball or golf ball onto small spoon... they have to run to the other side of the playing field, around the obstacle, back to the their team-mates (relay style)... first team to finish wins!!

THE CLASSIC THREE BUCKET GAME — We used 3 pots, and 3 stuffed animals... they were timed by my son's stop watch... — you have to first throw it into the small pot, then the middle one, then the larger one — have one of the kids stand by the pots to throw it back to the player — the fastest player to get all three is the winner!!

There were no prizes given, just shouts of laughter and having fun!

Hope you are enjoying the summer!!!