I'm sharing my recipe of oatmeal bread today...
why I didn't crop my head off here is beyond me... however, the happy face you do see is truly how I feel baking bread for my family
one could call that picture "pregnant with bread"... good gravy...
(please note: I am NOT expecting... but thank you for your emails!... it was my sense of humor... it just looked like I was pregnant with bread:)
the rising is beautiful to watch... and I always use a sunny window to let it rise...
That wasn't hard now was it? You can do this...
Shape into a round ball. Place in bowl, cover with clean dish towel and let rise until 2 times its size. Cut down with a knife. Divide and place in 2 greased bread pans. Cover and let rise again. Bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes.
I've something else cooking... which is very time consuming... and it's all over the farm...
stay tuned
(and no, I'm not expecting... shocking... even to me!)