Journey of Quilting

an attempt...

The following is my humble attempt at writing a fictional novel... See, while I was enjoying my "repose" yesterday I actually did relax... seriously... and couldn't help but capture that feeling with a short story...

"Under the Catalpa" by Anne Marie

Bordered by bluff and by meadow, reflecting a golden day,

lay Joan awake.

Placid and calmly deceitful, she gave the sun its chance to present to her this beautiful day, while her heart was stirring like a storm. Moments were counted by heart beats, and so quickly the storm-fiend drew near.

Where a minute ago it was clear blue sky, now stretched heavy with clouds….dark and drear.

The danger of drifting her thoughts such as those, were halted by the sense of repose.

Round the green play her dear children, waiting a word to be borne on the breeze. They were ready to seize their fun, when Joan's lips partly ever so slightly and “shhh” was all that was said.

With one impulse she thought of a maiden, down on her knees in the rays of the golden sun,

rising, foretelling a bright beautiful day.
For her husband had come home, her heart sang for joy, safe….the danger had passed.

*thank you for reading*

~the pictures in this post were taken while in *repose* under the Catalpa tree on our property~