During this time of Lenten closure, before the remembrance of the passion of one Man to so many, the spirit becomes refreshed with life!
When I was a child, my father used to tell me "life isn't a bed of roses"... I would scuff off that protective opinion and knew otherwise... my father had given me that bed of roses himself... with all his hard work... and little did he know that through God's love, I would be able to make a sweet smelling place of retreat for my own children...
We may not have a rose garden like my mother did, but more a natural and wild flower garden with hints at structure.
Seeing my girls in these pictures taken just a few short years ago reminded me of my father's saying to me, but ultimately made me think of Our Father's glorious time ahead...
and how as we run through life,

let us never hesitate to stop and smell the roses,

or when offered... give it to someone else... and let them receive it...

... and when the time is right, we can rejoice and run with it!

As we run through life, it's those around us who we are learning from and at the same time, we are teaching them...
Have a blessed day!