An Easter Table Setting….Farm Style

We took these photos just yesterday, and as you can see, the prairie is just now beginning to awake. I just couldn’t resist grabbing the opportunity to put the Easter Table Setting outside. The air is still chilly, so get wrapped in a warm sweater or woolen shawl, I would love for you to join me!
Let me show you around…..
One of my favorite linens, and what my inspiration was for this project is a vintage altar cloth with just breathtaking handiwork…..

I first started with an antique tablecloth from France that is made out of linen and hemp, and gave me that refined rusticity that I adore….on top of that, I added a lace tablecloth on the opposite direction to let the light shine through the pattern.

My first instinct was to grab mis-matched chairs, which I believe gives your guest(s) such a “uniquely theirs” feel. They didn’t have that soft feel or look, so I took a pair of vintage sheer curtains that have a hint of pattern on them, draped them simply over the chairs, tied them with white gross-grain ribbon and the effect was just right.
Taking into consideration I usually serve a 5-7 course meal for my guests at Farm, I layered the plates, and laid out all the necessary antique silver.

The glasses are multi-functional for either wine, tea, coffee, or a mimosa….or all!!
I chose to use our every day white china plates china plates, and sitting pretty on top of them are some vintage green glass sandwich sets that were a gift to me and children for our many tea parties we have.

Hand painted eggs are scattered amongst moss and a few old books that warm the table setting and also creates wonderful conversation….there is nothing better when one of your guests reads a passage from a book…

The other decoration on the table has sentimental value such as the Infant of Prague statue,

as well as the antique gold filigreed and bejeweled candle holders I nested in a bit of moss that are placed atop my Grandmother’s German silver candlestick holders….and the frilly pink doily was hand-crocheted by my other Grandmother…love it!

My absolute favorite color blue sparkles in the vintage glass beads of the rosary that was given to me by my dear mother-in-law.
Of course, we don’t want our pretty little faces to burn, so I will set out a vintage straw hat that will go perfect with your Easter frock.
Equally as charming, are the two pillows I brought out for many hours of chatting and poetry reading….
After we have enjoyed each other's company and the joy the day has brought, may we try to hold onto those memories and make every day joyous within the Lord.How to bring Farm Style home to you:
- Set out your favorite pretty weathered poetry books
- Don’t spend a dime on your table setting…use what you have
- Find a focal point for colors and walk all around your home for some great things
- Don’t skimp on the food!!
- Spend your money on good locally grown organic food and drink
And by all means…..enjoy your kitchen and bake/cook it yourself….your guests will truly appreciate all that you do!!
Everyone that comes to Farm is special and unique, and just as I would put out only the necessities for “the men” with some manly ‘flair’, I would equally frill it up for the ladies….
Thanks for joining me for the tour!! And don’t forget to stop by and see Tied Up Memories!!!! She’s one heck of a gal.
A BIG HUGE HUG to my set designer assistant….(shown here ducking out of the way)

Have an absolute wonderful day!! I know I will: it's my first born son's 12th Birthday today!

AND OH: DON'T FORGET!! You have until midnight tonight to guess my big surprise on the post "Something's Cookin"... just leave a comment on that post and your name will randomly be picked for a homemade gift from me! Anne Marie!! The big reveal is tomorrow!!!!