There are always ways we can better ourselves, and I have compiled some ideas and inspirations, quotes and verses that I’m devoting this week to really reflecting upon and meditate within on their meanings for me
Starting tomorrow, Sunday the 16th, I will be journaling all of this, just as I have on my bedside journal with pen and paper…
why? why am I doing this??
because of these 6 blessed reasons...

for me to show by example a life full of grace and faith and love...

I will try
I will fail sometimes
but I know that I am living my vocation as wife and mother
and at least I know that I did something about trying to make it better...
are you?
You are more than welcome to join me in this journey this week — let's get back to what these blogs are all about — a place to share — a place of inspiration — somewhere to come for peace and solitude (at least, that's what I want my blog to be about... me... and my life on the farm)