things are scary sometimes
sometimes there are things, or one in particular, that prevents us from getting to place A or B
it's in those moments that we usually choose to ride on emotions... feelings...
but we can't trust those sensory feelings of anxiousness... nervousness... fear
fear can make us retract or defend
in order to conquer that fear... in order to get to place A or B we need to make that first step towards wherever we are going with kindness... patience... and trust

Gilberta the goose, our pet Toulouse pictured above, has an attitude of self-defense when laying her eggs in our window well. While our daughter was going to get one out the other day, Gilberta came after her and was pecking her dress and legs. She doesn't hurt, but it is scary nonetheless for a 7 year old. Our daughter would alter her route to wherever on the farm, just to avoid her.
The other day I was in the garden thinning my carrots with her. Meanwhile, per most times, Gilberta follows me out into the garden. I explained to my daughter the self defense Gilberta puts out when laying eggs, and maybe showing some kindness with grass in your hand will make you friends.
So she did.
Sometimes just showing a simple kindness is all that will change your path, and the lives of those around you.
xo + blessings,