my soul is like something high and warmly grounded all at the same time at home...
Melting all the things I love about life, within my spirit... with life experiences, such as a time with my husband on vacation one year to California...

We had the privilege to be where Mother Teresa stayed... prayed in the private chapel

... and walked in solitude... and prayed in silence...

there is something very powerful about nature and prayer...
this tour wasn't with a group or anything, just my husband and myself and our brother... he knows the people who live here,
and was allowed to roam freely with us, like the generosity of true peace...

there is a life size station of the cross on their private grounds...

I'm sure you are all on your way to a better "you" with Lent upon us... or just because you strive to be like that no matter if it's Lent or not... but rather, just because...

There is nothing more enhancing in one's life than to feel like someone who is flying... feeling the rush of wind... yet going nowhere physically... just within your own spirit...
to me... that's found only in nature, and when I looked recently upon these photographs I took it rushed through me like the cold winter wind...