I have stated before that I cannot decorate without color... even though the serene whites/grays appeal to my eye...

When I cocoon myself in the evening with my leather bound journal, bedtime tea and candle lit (every night), I welcome the chance to dream...

(above picture taken from my bedroom side table — reflecting the majestic oak tree)
What I thought was an antique hemp/linen table covering was in fact a duvet coverlet...
so what's a girl to do with an 1880's original French coverlet?

an understated beauty was instantly created... and I always like blending old with new...

the wonderful swan oil was given to me by a friend/antique dealer from Illinois... she was having a sale from her home, (that one by you Tracey) and I happened to mention I liked it (you know me and birds) — but didn't have the cash for it...

she set it aside for me, and gave it to me... again... can you say "awesome"?
I didn't care for the frame... and so (yup — you guessed it) I popped the painting out of the frame and simply hung it on the wall... p.s... did you know that swans mate for life?

The 'fancy' shelf was being brought from room to room... but never did fit anywhere 'just right', so I made it into a mini canopy from which I draped my favorite blue/soft fabric from it...

instant "na-farm style romance "
little things make me happy... like a successfully dried blue delphinium from my mother's garden now in front of my first antique purchase ever... an old wooden banana box which holds my out of season clothes (I don't shop much) which is on top of my old bead boarded armoire...

my cylindrical shades were covered in old sheet music
(appropriate melodies evoking the feeling of romance I was after)

an old crocheted piece also has taken residence on the stuccoed wall — I'm bound to wear it someday... and even more determined to crochet one myself... someday...

a work in progress, this farm is... always changing... always new to me...
and being one who doesn't have extra money to buy new things (sniff sniff) I have to make do with what I have... nothing was purchased for this remodel, and it might not be what I envisioned, but it's peaceful to me...
this is usually what it looks like... all cocooned and wrapped in ideas...

and always written down in my leather bound journal... pencil on hand...

use what you have... work from within... make it your romantic style
all photographs taken by me in the master bedroom