Journey of Quilting

oh dear Texas...

Okay... so... I want to be at Round Top in TEXAS!! (said with absolute whiniest voice I have)... and to get my mind off it... which is quite hard... I sew...

and no, I don't want to sell there... I want to shop...
how many of these pumpkins do you think I'd have to sell?... to be able to have mula to spend?... well... maybe when I retire it'll still be there...

can you tell Anne Marie needs a break? if you were with me the past few days making applesauce, running my son to tackle football, taking all produce in and shelling those pretty little beans while homeschooling and baking bread, and serving home-cooked meals and dealing with an almost 2 year old while wrestling with my other 4 children, well, you'd want to go to Texas too, or maybe New Zealand... to be a sheep herder... without electricity... and become a hermit... you know... alone... ha! phew... now that's just a joke folks... there is no way I'd trade my life now for anything (except maybe some extra cash for Round Top;)...