A few more things at the market...
Those vintage Mason jars are wrapped with Hungarian hemp twine with vintage white buttons on the sides... perfect for either candles or flowers...
Early that morning, I harvested some fresh sage leaves (organically grown of course!) and packaged them up and hung them from an awesome lamp shade frame (that I will NOT part with) from antique clothes pins... and little tags:) with my NDF Chick on there...
The coolest thing ever! Was next door!! A few potters were showing their amazing talents... (do you see the ear muff? it was down right cold!... but they carried on... for the good of potters everywhere!)
this lady's talent was amazing... as well as her friend/potter...
***************************************** Supporting local artisans, no matter if it's pottery, fine art, or "misc. wares", is a crucial part of our society's good welfare, but more importantly for our charity towards others... if we work together as a community, and shopped local... well... just think of how nice our own communities would be! and I don't even have a "community" way out here (unless of course you count the farm animals) But us 'farm neighbors' sure do stick together!!! ******************************************************** Pottery making is something I would love to do someday... and just recently became more interested in it...
and uh... so has my daughter...
Their patience and kindness is all too familiar to those of you who do markets... it's like one big happy community of artisans! (and one unsuccessful gardener)
Hey; I wonder if that's why I didn't do so well... I'm over there enthralled with the potters and the owners of THE most amazing shop around, and probably didn't even notice shoppers!!
wishful thinking never hurt anyone you know...
Have a great day!!
btw: I'm still reading Marie Antoinette, and it's overdue now! I swear I need bi-focals for this one and like a whole container of English Black Tea! Dauphine this... princess that... my head is spinning with powdered wigs and an unbelievable amount of etiquette (I could learn a thing or two... I know...)