Journey of Quilting

A Stitchin' Summer {pattern #3}

The PDF for this house can be found here at the end of the post.
The creative adult is the child who survived... Ursula LeGuin
I am constantly in awe of Chaney's creativity. There are hardly ever limits and it's so fun to watch her work and create. Now, I'm not the look at the rainbow she drew on her wall... how cute! kind of mother but I do work hard to encourage her creativity instead of forcing it to grow up like the world is so good at doing to kids these days.

I used to believe that I wasn't creative and I don't even know when or why I came up with that notion. I am a very black and white and logical so those traits frequently overshadowed any color-outside-the-lines thinking. And that's sad because there should always be a balance.

When I began quilting I really thought that I was destined to make quilts from kits. I didn't trust my color choices or any other creative choices. I doubted everything. And then I stumbled the quote by Ursula LeGuin which really made me think. And smile.

Maybe you are in my beginning shoes thinking that you aren't creative. Or maybe you compare your creativity to someone else's creativity. Whatever it is, don't do that! I truly believe that everyone is creative in their own way. True, some may have to look a little harder but then it's hard won and completely worth it.

Perhaps stitching this simple phrase will start you in that direction... or reaffirm what you have always known.

Have fun with this pattern and don't be afraid to branch out and try something new. It's just needle and thread after all! If you need a supply list or stitch tutorials, you can find them in the Stitchin' Summer #1 post. Just click below and download the PDF. I've left the embellishments off so have fun trying some new stitches around the words.
Free Pattern Download!
I'll be heading home tomorrow and I can't wait to see what everyone has been up to! And BTW, mobile blogging is not easy so I'm sorry for the lack of pictures. I'm behind on emails so if you have sent one to me I'll be catching up soon!