Journey of Quilting


(the CCClub made this most adorable snowoman) To capture all that has transpired here at Farm and within my life recently, will take some major editing on my part... we had the worst ice storm this area has seen, we had no power for Christmas, I boiled snow for water...
and you know me... nothing is simple... so these events that have transpired prevented me from posting my Christmas post, pictures, music for you all... and it also prevented me from visiting you and telling you hello! and blessings from the farm!
Please forgive me, but I didn't have power...
the ice storm damaged so many of our trees... but it could have been worse the ice storm prevented us from having heat (the generator stopped working)... but it could have been worse all in all, the ice storm was a blessing "WHAT?" you say gasping your hand to your mouth

yes, a blessing... we entered into Christmas Eve and then into Christmas day with a true silent night... no records were played, no late night popcorn and games...
we sung by candlelight at the piano
we prepared and made clam chowder via oil lamps and ingenuity
we prayed
we thanked the Lord for giving us each other and our farm
Thank you all for visiting the farm the past few days and leaving all your lovely comments, and a big thank you for all your personal e-mails to me... but you have to know something:
Christmas for us has just begun... until Epiphany we are celebrating... so if you aren't sick of all the Christmas "stuff" I'm sure you will be by the time the farm puts away all the decorations come the day after Epiphany...
so, I'll just leave you with Farm's version of the first 3 days of Christmas hee hee



BLESSINGS from Farm... and yes, each day, I will try my hardest to find a picture for you of Farm's version of the 12 days of Christmas... try my darndest!