Journey of Quilting


is one of my favorite months of the entire year

and when the barn burned in May, now three years ago, it still stayed one of my favorites...

~ the birds have settled on the farm from all over the country

~crisp mornings and warm sunshine afternoons

~not many bugs
~planting time

~cleaning time

~we end our school year this month

~eager friends and family visit the farm for fresh air and peace
(and maybe a little work if need be by the hostess)

~this is the month of the Madonna

~there's a farm/barn sale this month!!
(which btw, is on the exact day the barn burned)

While hand sewing some Elizabeth's yesterday for the sale under the pergola next to the house, while listening to the birds practically lull me to sleep, it hit me again...

inspiration to see the good

in everything

Hand sewing makes me slow way down... makes me pay attention to details...

not make mistakes...

YOU have a choice to be positive and stop complaining

YOU are the only one that can change the way you look upon life, people, and the things around you

SURROUND YOUrself with peace

if you have any sort of agitation and anxiety...
SLOW DOWN... you are moving too fast

much love and peace...