Journey of Quilting

a moment...

I love my baby...

(I know you might have seen this photo on my sidebar, but it's sums up so much of me)

well, he's not a "baby", he's 2, but he gets called that alot (by a certain mama) quite often...

The early morning sun is up... so let's have some tea... while I talk...

as I hold him close after cleaning up the kitchen, and the rest of the kids are in bed, he snuggles right up to my neck and kisses me and starts to hummmm... and sing... softly...

I always sing to my kids before bed...
I could live without my guitar and flute, but could not live without music...
one of them, little miss darling (most endearingly named without joke) when about 2, was being held by me, before bed, and as I was singing to her gently, in my most motherly singing voice I could muster, stopped me short... looked up to my face... put her hand on my mouth... and said "no mama"... pushed me away... and pointed to her bed...

no, she's not at all independent... (because there's no possible way I was singing terrible right?)

anyhow, back on subject... I had my baby last night in my arms, all cuddled, and at that moment, all these thoughts came rushing through me... but one particular one jumped at me, like a "duh" moment:

I am a mom to 5 children... and THAT is my vocation...

Not like I didn't know this before... but sometimes it just feels different... you see it changing... you look at yourself from outside of yourself...

I spend so much time 'wanting' other things for the garden... kitchen... my sewing basket...

Can any of you relate??

There's always these projects, recipes, crafts, organizing, etc, and with the net here, well, if you knew me, you'd say "step away from the computer" because I already had so many ideas before seeing all the talent (good thing I don't watch TVright!)...

let's just say I have lots of saved files on my computer, with a big ol' inspiration board I frequently look at... that changes all the time...

I'm always doing these "things" around the house, that I enjoy, and I sometimes feel like I have my foot stuck in the crack of the door, waiting to throw it open and say "hi there world; look what I have done" and everyone goes crazy mad for it!

I'm a mama to five children

my first and foremost job is to love my husband, and then my kids — which if you are a mom, you know what I mean...

and no, I don't have to cook organic, have a Potager, bake my own bread from scratch, while sipping on my homemade hot cocoa from real chocolate... and sew my curtains and stitch my own clothes... while home schooling them all...

I'm a mama to five children

I do it for them

I do it for Him

I would do it for you if you walk through my door

I do it for me,

and that is just who I am...

and sometimes people say I do too much — I don't think I do enough -

I am a constantly changing individual, who is a mama to five children.

~Here's hoping you are embracing your vocation~