Journey of Quilting

How to find a home within your home...

With the holidays looming upon us, I am rearranging furniture all over the house... taking muted tones of fabric and making hearts and having so much fun adorning them... adding rugs for warmth...
but sometimes it takes getting out into the garden, and tearing out all the dead plants into the compost pile to spark that drive to actually do something...

it had been terribly cold and rainy here for the first half of autumn... but now... it's warm and not keeping my hands as idle as they were... and idle hands aren't good... for anyone around here...

Grays... whites... off-whites... my heart and soul rests within those colors... and my Potager is very much centered around that idea... and that is where I receive the most pleasure...

but... i live on a farm... and my Farm style encompasses every part of this area within me and my home... from the red barns, to the browns of the prairie... to the never-ending blue skies above...

I do not have the luxury to turn my home into all those serene colors... not the whole home that is... after all... I have 5 children... that last one is huge to me... the 5 children... they bring so much liveliness to my life...

not always peaceful... but always colorful...

and even though I run them to football... church events... friends houses... dance practice... our home is kissed by color through my children's vibrancy...
I realized that last night, when I was setting our 'winter rug' in the living room... and as soon as the room was cleared and the rug was put down... the sparks, laughter, and color was bouncing everywhere... interestingly enough, I can still hear their laughter and see their vibrancy with black and white photos...
these children are my focus... my life... and I love it... it delights me to tears...

some could argue this is what happens with a home without a tv... if so... then thank God...

So... How to find a home within your home?... for me, it was being kissed by my children's vibrancy within their lively spirits... after all... inspiration comes from both nature and people...
~have a fantastic weekend~