Journey of Quilting


Can you believe I am doing a post WITHOUT a photograph?

I know!!

but help me out here ladies... with a dilemma so to speak...

what do you do, if you totally admire the all white decor of (for example) Jeanne de Arc Living, and everywhere you look is red... ticking... and pattern in your home???

I just can't pull myself away from color, but the most gorgeous pictures are always with simple serene colors of whites and grays of all shades...

I say this while the combine is exploding the children with glee from the fields! They absolutely love watching the soybeans being harvested (soybeans aren't white you know)...

and neither is my garden -

or my kids — (well, technically they 'look' white, but today; I got this lady asking me"what nationality are you?"... "Hungarian" was my reply, and she said "hhhmmm... is that somewhere in Portugal?"...)


no bother... whatever the reason might be for me reconsidering a total decor makeover... what do you guys do? are all of you all whities? or are you color enthusiasts like myself? that simply admire all white?)

I sound a bit "schizo" don't I? must be the dust in the air from the soybeans...

gotta go... heading outside to clean up the garden more...

take care!!

and give me some feed back...

p.s. this is the absolutely 2nd post I have done "on the fly"... the other one is HERE